
Mark 16:15 And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


Light of Victory Ministries is an international, evangelistic, missionary ministry commissioned to preach the Gospel with simplicity and power of the Word of God. Empowering every believer to walk in their full inheritance by preaching, edifying, bringing salvation, healing, deliverance, and restoration.


Light of Victory Ministries was birthed from a promise the Lord gave Enrique in 1999, to take the gospel of the Kingdom into the nations. Our mission is to bring the light of Christ to the nations as the Scripture says in:


Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.


This ministry will expand and establish the Kingdom of God through preaching and demonstration of the word with signs and wonders. Our heart is to help widows, orphans, single mothers and children in the poverty stricken areas of Latin American nations and around the world by providing a safe place for them to learn, grow and flourish in the truth and ways of the Lord. This ministry will also be instrumental in planting churches and helping other ministries in these various areas where the gospel is taken.


Light of Victory Ministries has established a Church in Cali, Colombia named Luz de Victoria which translates to Light of Victory. This church is located in El Retiro, one of the poorest and most dangerous areas in Cali, Colombia.


Enrique Montaño is a dynamic preacher with a burning passion to reach the lost and hurting people in the cities and nations of the world for Jesus Christ. His love and compassion for others ignites a life-changing hope and hunger for revival in each person he shares the gospel with.


Enrique gave his life to the Lord while a police officer in Cali, Colombia patrolling the same streets where he has now established a church. During his 7 years as a police officer, the Lord appeared to him several times intervening to save his life. After one life-changing encounter with the Lord he moved to Houston in 1992 where he worked as a soccer coach with inner-city youth. Many of the lives of the young players and their parents were changed. While coaching one day in 1998 the Lord told him to consecrate himself to serve Him full-time. The Lord told him to be His minister. To be a living sacrifice for Him. To let His life be a living example to others. After answering this call Enrique would spend hours each day seeking, praying and fasting, focusing on his own personal transformation. He would then head to the streets of Houston reaching out to the lost and hurting as the Lord directed him. He would go to parks where they would meet and then minister the love and hope of Jesus Christ to them. Enrique was also involved in prison ministry often preaching in the maximum security prisons in Texas. With his love for the lost and hurting he joined with other ministries in the Houston area and saw many lives change after receiving Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


Enrique and his wife Vimarie have been pastoring since 2003 in Houston, Texas. During their tenure in Houston, they continued to see the hand of God move mightily on their behalf but their hearts continued to be drawn to the cities and nations of the world. In 2007, he with his family moved to the mission field in South America Cali, Colombia where they established a church. The neighborhood where the church is established is classified as a red zone.  A red zone is considered an area with high violence and drug activity.  Because of the violence he was accidently shot on his leg during a shootout between gang members. The mission of the church is to reach out to the children and youth, they are the main victims due to the violence, drugs, and prostitution.  After six years in Cali, Colombia Enrique and his family returned to the states where they continued pastoring. Enrique and Vimarie have a God ordained mandate to go forth into the nations to equip and establish the foundation of the fullness of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.


Enrique has traveled to Honduras, Nigeria and Colombia taking the Gospel of the Kingdom laboring to see Christ formed in every person he meets. His mission is to teach, train and see transformation in the lives of those that God allows him to touch leaving them with a path of hope and promise for tomorrow.


Enrique resides in Houston, Texas with his wife Vimarie and their four children, Aolani 26, Enrique Jr. 25, Kayla 20 and Daniel 12.

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